5-Minute Business Boost
“Hi and welcome to the 5-minute business boost
where you get to choose your 5-minute investment.
It could be topics under the headings business development, marketing, or photography, or even a mix of all 3.
There will be discussions, reviews, how-tos, tips, and tricks, and so much more depending on how I….
your host, Sam Hicks, is feeling… so possums listen up and here we go.”
The 5 Minute Business Boost Podcast 
A podcast for busy business people: Anything is possible.
You can brush up on skills or learn something new.
A business boost lets you choose what heading you want to engage with, whether it be the newsletter or podcast.
Find the weekly episodes of the podcast on your favourite platform.
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Season one
EPS 01 _ Benefits of being part of your local business group.
In this episode I am talking about the benefits of being a member of your local, regional and or state chamber of commerce and or tourism and business group.
EPS 02 _ Benefits of entering business awards
In this episode I am talking about the boosts to business that come from entering local state and or national awards and my top 11 tips.
EPS 03 _ Benefits of collaboration
In this episode I am talking about the benefits of collaboration in business.
EPS 04 _ Mentoring – a personal story
In this episode I am talking about Small business mentoring – its a 10 min episode – and I talk about the Digital Solutions Program
EPS 05 _ Business Karma
In this episode I am talking about Karma and does it happen in business? You betcha it does!
EPS 06_ Having great images
In this episode I speak about having great images – nearly 8 minutes…
Show notes- iphone top 10 tips n tricks
EPS 07_ Benefits of networking
In this episode I speak about the benefits of networking.. 7 minutes this one….working towards the 5 minute rule.
EPS 08_What makes for great small business marketing?
In this episode I talk about the things needed for small business marketing……. 5 min and 8 seconds…
EPS 09_ Testimonials
In this episode I talk about Testimonials… 6 mins and 19 seconds
Show notes: Link to the ACCC
More episodes list
Benefits of being a member of your local business group ( Biz Development )
Small Business Karma ( Biz Development )
Mentoring – A Personal Story and the Digital Solutions Program
Benefits of collaboration in business
Entering Business Awards and my top 11 tips ( Biz Development & Marketing )
What makes for great small business marketing? ( Marketing )
Community projects and volunteerism its like a giant jigsaw ( NFP )
Benefits of Networking ( Marketing )
Testimonials ( Marketing )
What in simple terms is Chat GPT?
Digital Marketing ( Marketing )
Online tools for 2023 ( Marketing )
Useful websites for small businesses ( Biz Development )
What the Web 4.0?
Ai for 2023 – 2024
The Customer Journey (pt1) ( Marketing )
The Customer Journey pt 2 ( Marketing )
Top 20 essential items for running a small business pt 1
Top 20 essential items for running a small business pt 2
Don’t judge a book by the cover – personal business story.
From Idea to Execution: Tips for Successful Product Development ( Biz Development )
Google Trends – a small business tool ( Marketing )
Scaling up ( Biz Development )
What the Pixel and getting the best out of your iPhone ( photography )
In the Pink: Lessons for Small Business from Barbie ( Marketing )
Boosting Your Small Business Branding: Key Aspects for Success ( Marketing )
The impact on small businesses of a disaster whether its natural or unnatural.
Attending Local Markets ( Marketing )
Referrals for B2B (Biz Development & marketing )
Is it hard running a small business? ( Biz Development )
How to use Invoices and Email Signatures to boost your small business marketing.( Marketing )
Unleashing the Power of Branding: Essential Strategies for Small Businesses ( Marketing )
Its tax time – 3 reasons why it’s important for small businesses to use a bookkeeping app( Biz Development )
So you want a website? (Biz Development & marketing )
Navigating social media trends for Small Business Growth (Marketing)
How to make your content go VIRAL! ( Marketing )
What is the 5 minute business boost
all about?